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To provide opportunities for academics and students in the medical and health sciences, especially in training health science expertise based on integrated and innovative research.


Master’s Programme

  • Provide graduates with the latest knowledge, expertise and skills in medicine health and sport sciences.
  • Train graduates with efficiency in evaluating and adapting to protocols and procedures.
  • Provide graduates who are analytical, creative, innovative, sensitive and responsive to the needs of the community, culture and the environment.
  • Continuously train the attitude of professionalism, ethics and social responsibility.
  • Forming leadership graduates in planning and implementation of tasks.
  • Empowering graduates by working in groups, communication, troubleshooting and scientific skills.
  • Produce graduates capable  of conducting independent research.
  • Improve graduates who are experts in ICT, management and entrepreneurship skills.
  • Cultivate lifelong learning.

Doctor of philosophy’s Programme

  • Provide graduates with the advance knowledge, expertise and skills in health sciences.
  • Providing graduates who are analytical, creative, innovative, sensitive and responsive to the progress of knowledge in health sciences.